36 Reviews
If anybody slept with Maya without a condom, you better go get checked. She has something very, very bad and I don’t think you can get rid of it.
because I was told by a few girls you mentioned she is sick, thats why I wrote it. I am not going to say what she has to avoid any violations, just think about it. She is still there, she is not seeing anyone, I was told by 2 of teh well known girls she is sick. Now put it together.
She had surgery. Angel is still there.
Maya has been working the office for over a year that I know of. She has not seen clients for at least a year and maybe longer. She replaced Anna when she left. Although the building is old it is kept clean on the inside. Nana, Angel and Goldie are no longet working there but the new ladies are of the same quality. What gives you the idea that Maya is sick. I have had many conversations with her and she is the same sweet lady as always just working up front instead of in the back. If you have any knowledge of her being sick please share your sources. I treat all the employees with respect and they treat me the same. I always make an appointment ahead of time therefore my time is reserved and I am not interfering with their schedule. I frequently take the ladies special treats and always get excellent service.
seargent mf
what does she have?
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