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Escorts Lisbon, Portugal Caroline
Escorts Lisbon, Portugal Caroline
Escorts Lisbon, Portugal Caroline
Escorts Lisbon, Portugal Caroline
Escorts Lisbon, Portugal Caroline
Lisbon, PT
ABOUT Caroline
Hello..I'm Brazilian, I'm 26 years old, 160 tall and 62 kg. I'm an escort, I also go on trips. If you are looking for a sweet, int...
Hello..I'm Brazilian, I'm 26 years old, 160 tall and 62 kg. I'm an escort, I also go on trips. If you are looking for a sweet, intense, romantic moment or even the opposite, this time will be yours and I will help 😉 Within 4 walls I am uninhibited, I do sensual, tantric, relaxing massages, a pleasant start to pleasure bigger that will come next. But it doesn't end here... Call to find out more or send me a message on WhatsApp. I am available. I speak a little English, ok, love!! 💋🔥
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  • Female
  • Mediano
  • Incalls por hora de-158USD
  • Female
  • Mediano
  • Incalls por hora de-158USD
  • Portugués, Español
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Lisbon, PT
Hello..I'm Brazilian, I'm 26 years old, 160 tall and 62 kg. I'm an escort, I also go on trips. If you are looking for a sweet, intense, romantic moment or even the opposite, this time will be yours and I will help 😉 Within 4 walls I am uninhibited, I do sensual, tantric, relaxing massages, a pleasant start to pleasure bigger that will come next. But it doesn't end here... Call to find out more or send me a message on WhatsApp. I am available. I speak a little English, ok, love!! 💋🔥
  • Female
  • Mediano
  • Incalls por hora de-158USD
  • Portugués, Español

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