About me Let my knowledgable hands massage away all your aches and pains. My experience in various techniques will tailor your mas...
About me Let my knowledgable hands massage away all your aches and pains. My experience in various techniques will tailor your massage to your liking. Allow yourself to drift away with a touch that will melt your muscles and your mind. If you looking for a stress calming experience, the standard Swedish Massage is a great way to relax. During Swedish Massage muscle tention is relieved, while increased oxygen levels in the blood improve circulation and send you to a world of euphoria. For heavier pressure, Deep Tissue Massage concentrates on knot removal and kneading of the muscles. But as the soreness subdues, your muscles will feel relaxed and rejuvinated. * Sports Massage available upon request. A few of the amenities included are a shower, steamed towels, fresh drapery, and heated unscented oils. Placed in the luxury of a private studio which is conveniently located in downtown San Francisco. On-site parking available 30min/200 60min/360 90min/540 120min/680 Due To Concerns surrounding the coronavirus (COVID 19), please cancel or reschedule your appointment if you are experiencing any cold or flu symptoms. All materials and surfaces are sanitized for your health and safety :)
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