About me Adventure into LuxuriousTantra with an Experienced and Mature Erotic Artist. Available in Sonoma County & Marin County (S...
About me Adventure into LuxuriousTantra with an Experienced and Mature Erotic Artist. Available in Sonoma County & Marin County (Santa Rosa and Mill Valley). Come relax into a luxurious time of sacred eros. Enjoy a body-to-body sensory meditation of ecstatic pleasure and real connection. Experience, Enact and Embody... * Activate the fullness of your erotic energies. * Expand what is possible within your erotic body-mind. * Grow yourself as a conscious and masterful lover. * Nourish your heart. * Feed your soul and soar your spirit. * Have fun! If you are interested in this kind of connecting, please email me to get the ball rolling. Tell me a bit about yourself and the date you'd like to meet and I’ll send you more info. I look forward to hearing from you in a mature and respectful way ;-) Warmly, AlluraLove
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