Brooklyn Heights Day Spa

10:30AM - 8:30PM

About Brooklyn Heights Day Spa

As you go about your day in Brooklyn, NY, it is easy to feel like you are being pulled in a million different directions. Your plate is full at work, your family needs you, and you also need to hop all over the city running errands. At the end of the day, you might often find that you are exhausted and stressed. Unfortunately, this scenario is a fact of life for too many New Yorkers. At Brooklyn Heights Day Spa, we believe that stress relief is a necessity, not just a luxury. When you are filled with stress, it can affect every area of your body. It also has negative mental and emotional effects. You don't have to just accept high-stress levels as part of life. Instead, make an appointment for a massage at Brooklyn Heights Day Spa. At our facility, we love welcoming both residents and visitors from Manhattan, Staten Island, Brooklyn, NY, and the rest of the Big Apple for a great massage and acupressure that will help ease their stress. Learn more about our location and services by browsing through the rest of this site. ​ If you are feeling tense and you can tell your muscles are in knots, a visit to a local spa like Brooklyn Heights Day Spa can make a world of difference! All our therapists are carefully selected, and they have the experience needed to relieve your pain and help you relax. Most importantly, they take the time to listen to you both before and during your local spa visit. Each client's needs are different, and our therapists will work with you to determine your specific goals and ensure that your massage is exactly what you want it to be. It's time to start taking care of yourself physically and mentally! Contact our team at Brooklyn Heights Day Spa to make your massage appointment today.

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Business Locations

150 Remsen St, Brooklyn, NY, 11201
Brooklyn, US
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Business Hours

Monday 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Tuesday 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Wednesday 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Thursday 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Friday 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Saturday (Today) 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Sunday 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM

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16 Reviews
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16 Reviews
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Still split on this place and weighing out the pros and cons to this place. Helen is cute, no doubt about that, but she seems to be a little too reserved. So no happy at the ending, but the massage was in fact good. I wasn't worried about the lack of teasing during the massage because I figured she was waiting for the flip to turn on the charm. Helen finished the back massage and then asked for the flip, but the magic never came, just another massage, good by the way, but in no way fulfilling. I don't want to give up on this spa just yet, as I'm slightly smitten with Helen. I'm not saying it will happen, but I do enjoy the company of a reserved woman as opposed to a fast one, if you guys know what I'm talking about. I mean shit, I know for a fact that a lot of parlor girls are only working in this business just until they get a boyfriend, one never knows, I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Not much to say, I got some blue balls after my massage with Helen, she looked good, cute Asian girl, nice body all around, she only kept it legit though. The spa is in good shape, looks a little small but it's not bad, whenever you score of course. Not that good of a massage I must say, I hadn't been there in a while but I was thrilled to see they were open again, I got the massage without an issue, I paid and Helen took me to the back, made little conversation, everything seemed ok, the massage she gives was not bad either, relaxing and everything but I was also getting turned on so obviously I was expecting some extra attention at the end. Sadly enough Helen does not give any extras, when she was done that was it, there was no teasing, no offers or anything and it didn't seem like she was waiting for me to ask for it, maybe they're not going all out yet, I don't know how long I'll wait till I give it another go.
The place wasn't what I thought it was. The massage was strong and that was about it. I lost some money on a bet with my friends and didn't have a very good day. Stressed out from work and friends, I wanted to go somewhere where I can just relax and get pleasure. Helen is a girl who would make you think milf. Nice Asian ƒgirl with a nice round body. Her massage did impress me, CMT like. Firm hand strength and grip that can breakdown my almost solidified muscles. Her hands on my back and neck were like sorcery. Did a great job moving around different parts of my body, working from the neck all the way down to my legs. I could feel a vibe from her that this place was legit and was not going to offer anything special but the massage itself was well worth it. All in all, good legit massage. Will return for rejuvenation
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