I was able to receive a pretty decent massage from Lucy, but that's about it. I tried paying her some extra cash for her services but she didn't provide anything else than a massage which was alright I guess.
I came here frequently so I was mostly familiar with the neighborhood. Today I received a massage from Lucy who was alright looking. She was very muscular though, she had a nice ass but her tits were quite tiny
lol, Idk how all those can be true but it was trust me. Anyways, she was very nice and friendly, she first introduced herself when she walked in and didn't take long before getting started with the massage. Her massage was pretty alright, she didn't do a really good job but it was pretty decent. It was a normal massage, so I didn't really feel anything special about it. She first kicked it off with the back and the front eventually after I flipped over for her. After the whole massage was done, which took around 30? 35 minutes? I tried paying her some extra bucks I had on me for a happy ending and a tease perhaps. But she kindly declined, and told me that she didn't do those services, I respect that so I didn't really say much after. Overall, the massage was pretty decent, it all would've been much better if she gave happy endings afterwards but yea, it was pretty fly!