Foot Spa 109 is a new establishment located near the Southern Daily News. They have a front section where the massage chairs are located and they have a curtained area, where they give foot and clothed body massages. They have about four massage rooms that are equipped with locking doors. Hooray!
Been trying to get into Lilly’s pants ever since I first came to this place. The place was not busy when I first started going. They have had a steady increase in traffic. So, I have been arriving earlier and earlier in the day. There is a choice of other, younger Chinese ladies, but none are in the
spinner –class that is occupied by Lilly's small frame within this establishment.
Lilly is so small, that she can place her body on top of mine, and roll her knees and elbows into my back muscles, back-of-thighs, shoulders and upper arms and achieve a very deep press in the muscles without extreme pain. She is able to perform this rolling motion while traveling up and down the vertical axis of my spine.
As soon as she finishes, I immediately begin pointing at my erect cock sticking straight at attention, only to get a giggle response.
But no HJ is offered here, every time I leave she apologizes. Says she likes me back... I mean what are the locking doors for, then?